GCA Limited is committed to providing Clients with a high standard of service. We work hard to ensure we fulfil the needs of your project within time and budget.
We are able to offer the following services;
If you would like to discuss your particular project or to arrange an initial personal assessment & design session please do not hesitate to contact us:
T: +44 1624 898402
M: +44 7624 462815
E: gca@manx.net
W: gcaarchitects.co.uk
GCA can manage your project from initial concept or feasibility right through to building completion. We are also happy to take your project on at any stage or to any point.
1. Initial contact
If, having looked through our website, you are interested in using GCA for your project, please feel free to call us to discuss further.
2. Client & Site Meeting
We will then arrange for a no obligation free of charge meeting, normally at the prospective site to discuss your ideas & requirements and feasibility. Visiting the site should also highlight any obvious planning or design constraints as well as potential opportunities.
3. Design Brief
A general design brief is written based on your requirements, lifestyle, likes & dislikes, wants & needs and your budget. This will be accompanied by a fee proposal. It is important that any potential client has a good relationship with their architect and communication is key from an early stage.
4. Appointment
As a fully chartered practice an appointment letter will be agreed to suit your requirements before proceeding with the commission. The Design Process can then continue.
5. Concept / Sketch Scheme
We will design a scheme/s to varying levels of detail depending upon the project and your requirements. The design will be site specific and consider issues such orientation, gradients, neighbouring properties, outlook and general layout. These outline proposal and drawings are a useful tool for initial discussions with local planning officers and or other consultants.
6. Web Conferencing
Regardless of your destination world wide, we are able to hold online meetings allowing us to share ideas and information with you at any stage of the design process. Our web conferencing technology is fully voice intergrated.
7. Planning Drawings
Once a sketch design has evolved with the client’s input, planning drawings can then be worked up in further detail, focusing on spatial arrangements, elevations, materials and appearance.
We have a number of tools available to us to help the client fully understand the design of a building. These include standard CAD drawings, sketch work, artistic impressions, 3D modelling – photomontages, diagrams and models. This applies to both the concept and planning drawing stages if required.
8. Planning Application
We will complete the relevant application forms, write design & access statements and other required documents to make a planning submission.
9. Planning Conditions
Upon approval, GCA can discharge any conditions resulting from your approval.
10. Building Control & Production Information
A range of information will need to be produced prior to building work commencing. These include a set of building regulations drawings which need to be signed off by a building control officer, detailed construction drawings, schedules and notices.
11. Tender process or negotiation
Depending on the nature of the project it may be necessary to ‘go out’ to tender. This allows a number of construction companies to bid to undertake work on your project. GCA can prepare all the necessary information for tender. However you may already have a builder or company in mind. We can also recommend companies that we have worked with successfully in the past.
12. Construction
GCA offer a full contract administration. We will make visits to site as necessary during onsite construction to assess build quality and assist with the production of further drawings or providing information.
13. After practical completion
We can arrange snagging of the property to complete the delivery process with the Contractors.